ME: The lunatic's conversation with John Steinbeck

“Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.”
― John Steinbeck

But I'm tired, John!! I'm tired of being dependant, trusting, giving and always being lied to! So the only thing I have left is being scared... Fear is natural - the one thing that can protect me from me and from the others... To stay away - that is!!! I’ll stay away from everyone and may be then, it’ll be ok! Faith, John… Fear and faith – these two will keep me sane – fear to keep me away, faith that may be this time it will work out!... Oh, but it’s so lonesome to be scared, John! So, so lonesome… But then again is being lonely or dead, cause I know that one of these times they’ll kill me with their lies. My heart will shatter, this time beyond repair if I forget to be scared of them all, if I let my guard down. So it’s settled then, dearest John – fear, faith and loneliness to survive it all.

Empty, NHr

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